Why Does Cycling Handling Skills Matter?

“A rider who has good handling skills will be a safer rider,” says Stu Auckland. “If they’re confident and comfortable in handling their bike, in tune with its handling, braking and accelerating characteristics, they can also then put more energy into their riding.”

Auckland says a better bike handler often has more time to make decisions when encountering hazards, because less conscious thought is put into reacting to them on the road – everything becomes more instinctive, with fewer knee-jerk reactions made because the rider is experienced and able to deal with a given situation. This takes on extra importance when riding in a group.

“You want your actions to be fast and fluid, not jerky and haphazard, especially if riding with others or within a large group” he says. “Last-minute swerving, heavy braking or constant changes in pace because you’re a ‘jerky’ rider will filter throughout the group meaning those behind will be expelling unnecessary energy slowing and speeding up, plus potentially not seeing the hazards you’re reacting to too slowly and badly.”



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