Safe Cycling Tips

What is safe cycling? You’ll probably get a different answer from every website you read or any other cyclist you talk to. To me, ‘safe cycling’ relates to the combination of common sense, road rules and cycling knowledge to get you from Point A to Point B in a safe and efficient way, preferably with the journey having been a pleasant one and not fraught with danger.

Firstly, please make sure that you are visible when you go out on the bicycle. Fit bright lights to your bike (steady white light in front; flashing red light behind the saddle); wear reflective strips or bands eg around your ankle where the motion attracts attention, and wear bright coloured kit (luminous colours work well) – especially when it is rainy, misty or overcast or at dawn/dusk.

What do you need in order to cycle safely?

a) You need the right vehicle…

Choose the right bicycle for the job. I prefer using a hybrid or mountain bicycle for commuting purposes. It is more comfortable than a road racing bicycle due to the more upright riding position and the additional gears help when you ride a fully laden bicycle. Try putting semi-slicks on the bike so that you dont get too much rolling resistance when riding on tar, yet are still able to ride on gravel paths or road shoulders without any problems.

I do not like riding with a backpack as I prefer being able to move freely on the bicycle, so I have fitted panniers to my commuting bicycle. In addition to being able to comfortably carry my clothes for work, handbag, laptop, lunch and the like, I have found that cars seem to give me a wider berth when the panniers are on the bike since they make the bicycle appear wider. In addition the weight is carried low on the bicycle, which adds stability.

If you do not like the idea of panniers, a small bicycle trailer is also an option.

Give your bicycle a quick check before you set out: Again, use your common sense here. Regularly check the tyres for cuts or objects that may become embedded in the tyres so that you do not end up with a flat halfway into the journey. Check the brakes – you want to be able to stop your bicycle, especially if you need to brake suddenly. Check the bicycle for any loose nuts and bolts – you do not want your handlebars to come off in your hands as you approach a downhill intersection 😉 Make sure you have what you need to fix a puncture en route. And so on.

b) You need the right kit…

First and foremost, do not get onto your bicycle without putting on a decent helmet. Apart from the fact that it became law in 2004 that you have to wear a helmet whenever you cycle in South Africa, you never know when a dog will run out in front of you; when a parked vehicle will unexpectedly open a door, a pedestrian step out in front of you, and the like. So be prepared and wear that helmet!

Secondly, always wear gloves. In the unhappy instance of a fall, your hands are usually the first to hit the ground. Palms without skin takes a long time to heal.

Always wear bright, reflective clothing. Nevermind if you think you look like a Christmas tree – make sure the other road users can see you. Light, contrasting colours work well – don’t be afraid to combine red and yellow, or bright pink and white… Bright, luminous sleeveless wind jackets (gilets) or rain jackets are highly visible and well worth wearing.

Fit lights to your bicycle. I have a red flashing rear light underneath the saddle and switch that on even if I ride in the middle of the day – even more so on an overcast day. If you intend riding at dawn or dusk, add a steady, white front light as well.

For the rest of the kit, use your common sense: If it looks like it could rain or get cold during the day, take along something waterproof and/or warm: You cannot adequately control your bicycle if you are shivering with cold. Sunglasses (or clear glasses in the evening) will protect your eyes from dust and the like blowing into it – again, it is difficult to control a bicycle if you are riding down a steep hill, traffic next to you, and something blows into your eyes. Wear the right shoes: Slip-slops or sandals may be acceptable for a very short trip to the café on the corner, but have you thought of what would happen should the sandal get caught, or you get involved in an accident? If possible, rather wear closed shoes (again, make sure the shoe laces don’t get caught in the chain or chainring) or – even better – MTB cycling shoes that will allow you to comfortably walk around when off the bicycle.

c) You need to know something about road conditions and traffic rules

Safe cycling includes know where you may or may not ride your bicycle, what the general traffic rules are, and what your rights are as a cyclist.

According to SA traffic laws, bicycles are regarded as vehicles, which means you have every right to be on the road. Ride assertively and make eye contact with drivers who may cross your path.

Having said that, most motorists seem to think that cyclists should ride as far left of the road as possible. This is usually not the best place to cycle, for various reasons:

– the far left of the road often has glass and other debris in it

– there are often ‘cat-eyes’, gutters or drain covers which could cause you to fall

– the road camber is often worst near the edge of the road

– riding a metre in from the side of the road often will force a vehicle to cross the centre line in order to pass you. This often stops them from passing when there are oncoming vehicles. Having a metre ‘free’ to your left also means you have space to swerve should a vehicle pass too closely

– if it is windy, having some space on your left helps should you get caught in a gust

Where may you ride? You may ride your bicycle on any road open to cycling. This excludes freeways (like the M3, M5, N1 and N2 in and near Cape Town), and roads which are closed to bicycles. Use the cycle lane if there is one.

As a cyclist, you need to obey all the road and traffic rules. Jumping red lights and riding on pedestrian-only pavements is illegal and can also be dangerous and frighten other road users. Don’t do it!

Watch out for the following:

Drain covers that run in the same direction as your direction of travel

Glass, sand, water or oil spills

Wet paint

Any road debris

Vehicles that have just parked, as the driver/passenger may open a door without first checking to see if there is a cyclist approaching

Vehicles that are turning left and who may not have seen you approaching in their blind spots

What about other cyclists on the road? Keep your eyes open for children or novices, as their bicycle handling skills may not yet be up to scratch and they may get a fright should you pass them too closely. Also keep your eyes open for other cyclists when approaching intersections.

Safe cycling tip of the day: Make sure you are always aware of your surroundings. Know what is behind you and watch out for what is in front of you. Always be on the lookout for road hazards; sand and gravel, glass, railroad tracks, parked cars, oil spills or rubbish. Sewer grates and cracks in the road can catch your wheel and cause you to be thrown from the bike. Watch for parked cars where people may be opening doors on the driver’s side of the vehicle without looking. Always wait until you have ample time to make your move, whether you are changing a lane or turning a corner. Do not expect to always be granted the right of way.

 Safety is the most important no matter what activity we are undertaking, so please pay super attention to these tips when cycling.



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