How To Avoid Conflicts in Traffic Accident
…you can adopt strategies for general prevention and reduction of conflict in road traffic situations. “Science presents a very useful approach here. It would also be a good way to raise awareness among the general public of the following point. Not every reaction on the part of another road user is necessarily intended in a malicious way,” says Risser. Often, we are unsure how to judge the reactions of our fellow people on the roads. In our uncertainty, we tend to “automatically assume the worst intentions on the part of the other person. This negative tendency presupposes that the other person’s behaviour is wrong, stupid or malicious.” With this type of negative tendency, conflict is then more likely to occur.
However, it does not need to be this way. We don’t need to view everything based on this negative tendency. This thought should also be promoted to the public in campaigns. If you make a conscious decision against this negative defensive position, then you are giving yourself and the other person an opportunity. An opportunity to learn how to adapt your behaviour, spare your nerves and continue on a positive path through your day.
A further step towards a constructive traffic environment can also be taken through a simple and pivotal individual decision. “We should always consider how traffic violations come about. For our own safety and out of respect for other road users. Just because certain road users may find themselves in an inferior position or feel inferior, they should not be driven to carry out an unfair action on the road. Even as the weaker party, they can be fair.” This does not just relate to actual violations, but also to types of behaviour, which may be legal, but are lacking in respect and fairness. For example, Ms A overtakes Mr B passing too close to the side of his vehicle, but within the rules of the road. From her own experience, however, she knows that this is an unpleasant situation for Mr B, Ms A must now decide if she will just respect the rules or if she will also show a little respect for Mr B.
“If you make a decision to behave not only in accordance with the rules, but also to show respect and fairness towards other road users, then you will raise your own self-confidence in doing so,” says Risser.
If you want to improve the world, the most logical and efficient step is often to begin with one’s self. Every trip in the right direction begins with the first step.
However, it does not need to be this way. We don’t need to view everything based on this negative tendency. This thought should also be promoted to the public in campaigns. If you make a conscious decision against this negative defensive position, then you are giving yourself and the other person an opportunity. An opportunity to learn how to adapt your behaviour, spare your nerves and continue on a positive path through your day.
A further step towards a constructive traffic environment can also be taken through a simple and pivotal individual decision. “We should always consider how traffic violations come about. For our own safety and out of respect for other road users. Just because certain road users may find themselves in an inferior position or feel inferior, they should not be driven to carry out an unfair action on the road. Even as the weaker party, they can be fair.” This does not just relate to actual violations, but also to types of behaviour, which may be legal, but are lacking in respect and fairness. For example, Ms A overtakes Mr B passing too close to the side of his vehicle, but within the rules of the road. From her own experience, however, she knows that this is an unpleasant situation for Mr B, Ms A must now decide if she will just respect the rules or if she will also show a little respect for Mr B.
“If you make a decision to behave not only in accordance with the rules, but also to show respect and fairness towards other road users, then you will raise your own self-confidence in doing so,” says Risser.
If you want to improve the world, the most logical and efficient step is often to begin with one’s self. Every trip in the right direction begins with the first step.