Advantages of Bicycling

There are many, many good reasons for bicycle commuting, recreational bicycling and creating a strong bike culture in general.  Hopefully a couple with resonate with everyone and motivate more bicycling.

On-going use of a bicycle has virtually NO carbon footprint.
You will be a leader in your community.
Bicycles increase mobility for those who don't have access to motor transport.
Bikes increase mobility for those who don't qualify to drive a car.
Bicycles increase mobility for those who can't afford motor transport.
Bikes increase mobility for those who don't want to drive motor vehicles.
Bicycles increase mobility for some people with arthritis, back problems and other mobility issues.
Bicycling can be faster than walking, transit or motor vehicles.
Bicycling is the most energy efficient form of transportation ever invented.
You get healthy exercise from bicycling.
Bicycling also can help you meet different people with the same hobby as you.



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